Photo Assignment One

Amber Bemis enjoying a few relaxing moments reading in her room.

Jessica Bedore admiring the Post Crescent Building in Appleton, Wis.
Jessica Bedore admiring the Post Crescent Building in Appleton, Wis.

3 responses to “Photo Assignment One

  1. Good start. Nice tone and contrast. A teeny, tiny part of me is on my shoulder whispering, The PC building is close to losing detail because of lightness and Amber’s facial tone is very close to that of the wall, but that is getting a bit picky. Overall, nice job.

    I like how I get a sense of you with the s-p–that is the point of the assignment!

    I’d like to see more in the caption for the Jessica building. Why the PC? Does she work there? Intern there? Dream of working there? Or does she love old buildings? That “admiring” needs more explanation. Also, why don’t we see her face? Is she shy, doesn’t listen, or just hard to get both in? Sometimes we have to turn the face more toward us even if it means she is really looking next door to the building.

    Great sharpness.

    Strong technique from the start. Bam! (That makes more impact in person and I use it a lot.)

    • Thank you for the comment. I do agree that Jessica’s portrait could use a better caption. She is a very talented writer and is an avid reader of the Post Crescent. Even though she is going into PR I am sure, if given the opportunity to work there she would definitely take it. I see now that I should have explained her love for writing a little better in the caption!

  2. Amber,

    You do a great job with contrast in both pictures as well as emphasizing the characteristics of the subjects. That’s such a cool shot with Jessica in front of the Post-Crescent building…the fact that you waited for a shot without any cars in it really adds an interesting feeling to the picture. Overall, both photos are really good!

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