Blog about blogs!

Blogging is a great way to get your opinion out there about various topics! You can create entertainment blogs, business blogs, sports blogs, political blogs, food blogs, personal blogs, or blogs about cats. The possibilities are endless in the blogosphere. You can attract blog readers to your blog by posting a link to your blog on Twitter or Facebook. Also a way to connect with other bloggers is to post your blog and their blog on each others blog-roll! The name blog is short for weblog. You can use sites like Blogger and WordPress to create your very own blog. Blogger is a very user friendly blog site, it is great for group work so that bloggers can unite together on one blog. WordPress is also a great blog site, it has a few more features and is considered a more professional blog site.

When blogging it is important to remember to try to stick to one topic, so that your blog followers do not lose interest in your blog. Choose something you are passionate about to blog about, this way blogging is a breeze! As mentioned before it is important to incorporate multi-media in your blog posts and on your blog site. For example you could insert a picture or a YouTube video in your blog. Or you could try placing your Twitter feed on your blog site.

Blogs are a form of viral marketing, meaning that they are meant to be passed on from person to person. As a blogger it is important to read other blogs and spread the word about blogs! You can also use word of mouth marketing by incorporating blog talk into your everyday conversations.

For example:

” Today, I watched this very weird video about a pop-tart cat” – Jessica

“Neat! You should blog about it on your cat blog”- Amber

Just a thought, or you could email your entire family your blog like I do. Whatever you want to do to promote your blog is just great! Just keep blogging, just keep blogging 🙂

I just said blog 50 times, 100 would have been more impressive but that is all I could do! Blog, blog, blog.

Great Advice

Here is some great advice from Mark Twain…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. 

I just updated my portfolio, check it out!

My latest project!

Here is the latest craft project I am working on! I only sustained minor hot glue gun burns from this one 🙂

I plan to make some sort of picture collage with these! I will upload more soon.